Reviews and testimonies

09/06/2019 - 17:26

Phuket is perhaps the most famous seaside town in Thailand. Since the 80s it was a very popular international tourist destination. Not everyone knows that he has a very rich history, described by the appearance of a crossroads of trade with the rest of the East and with the West. It has always been celebrated for its climate, landscapes and the enchanting sea. Not by chance Phuket is called the pearl of the Andaman Sea.

08/28/2019 - 16:36

If we think about Burma, the previous name of Myanmar, we certainly have in mind its Buddhist culture and its countless temples, monasteries and pagodas. The Irrwaddy River, the largest one in the state, which crosses the country for all its length, offers, instead, the possibility to discover Burma under an alternative viewpoint.

08/23/2019 - 15:12

Cartagena is a beautiful city on the Caribbean coast of Colombia. It was one of the strategic trading ports of the West Indies, Spain's overseas colonial possessions after the conquistadores acquired the lands of Central and South America. 

08/08/2019 - 16:13

As every year Unesco introduces new sites in the World Heritage List, and I'm always curious to know the updating, it's a bit like the Oscar award, only to be rewarded is the story, the art and culture of the countries of the world.